Emerging Trends In The Wellness and The Network Marketing Industries Are Creating A Perfect Storm Of Opportunity!

The Wellness Industry has become the Hottest Trend in the world today. Primarily due to the aging Baby Boomer's, who now entering or nearing retirement with more money to spend than any generation ever in history.

These Boomer's are not contend to just retire into solitude, they plan to do more, and to Look and Feel better than any group before them, and they are spending lot's of money to insure that they look and feel Great.

This trend has driven the Wellness Industry from $200 Billion in 2002, to $500 Billion in 2005. By the year 2012 Wellness will have exceeded $2 Trillion annually, placing it neck-in-neck with Health Care, Personal Computers, and Food as the Biggest Industries in the world.

This emerging trend coupled with the growth trend in Network Marketing (Direct Sales, MLM, Multi-level) is creating more new Millionaires faster than ever before. These new Millionaires who earn their fortunes in Wellness are the fastest emerging minority in the world today.

Watch the following video to see what World Renown Economist, Paul Zane Pilser, has to say about this "Perfect Storm Of Opportunity."

You can position yourself in front of this "Perfect Storm Of Opportunity", Today by teaming up with the fastest growing team in Max International.

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Steve K Scott Shares Max International Vision, Part 1

Part 1...Steven K Scott founder of Max International details his 30 year search for Breakthrough Products, his introduction to Dr Robert Keller, Glutathione, and Max GXL's composition patent.

Steve K Scott Shares Max International Vision, Part 2

In this Part 2 video Steve Scott, Founder of Max International...
  • Discusses his personal experience and belief in Max GXL
  • Why he chose Network Marketing as the distribution method for their Flagship Product "Max GXL" and additional breakthrough products of the future.
  • Guthey-Renker's Involvement in Max
  • Why Max International destined to be next Running Giant in Network Marketing Industry

Just Returned From Dallas, Met With Max International Founder Steven K Scott

Over Memorial Day Weekend I was invited to the home of our Friend's, Rick and Michelle Teague. On Sunday evening Max International Founder Steve Scott, who happened to be in town because of a scheduled TV appearance promoting his new book "The Greatest Word's Ever Spoken", came by and spent several hours with us at Rick and Michelle's home.

It was an incredible evening! If you are not familiar with who Steven K Scott is, he is a Best Selling Author, he founded American Telecast, where he pioneered the Television Infomercial, and most recently co-founded Max International.

Over the course of the evening, Steve spoke with with us about many things, following are some of the most notable topics which I wanted to share;

  • How his passion for delivering the word about Max GXL (Max Internationals Flag Ship Product, and Glutathione Accelerator), inspired him to call his partners in American Telecast, and after 23 years retire from the company he had built, and give back Million's of Dollars in stock to be distributed to junior partners.
  • The recently completed Double Blind Placebo Crossover Clinical Trials which Max International had performed by a Major Independent University Testing Facility on Max GXL. Although many of the details cannot be disclosed yet. Steve shared that they did show an increase of Glutathione levels by up to 250% by all who take Max GXL.
  • Clinical Trial results are to be published in the July 2008 issue of The American Medical Journals, Journal On Anti Aging.
  • Major new Product Introduction coming on June 19 (only 3 weeks away)! Max WLX (Maximum Weight Loss Accelerator)! Developed by the University of Minnesota, and Clinical Trials conducted by University of Connecticut, Max WLX has 3 US patents, documented Fat Loss of 17 pounds in 28 days. Anybody want some help looking better in your swimsuit this summer?
  • His Plans for achieving the goal of having Max International become the first American Company in history to achieve $1 Billion in annual sales in their 4th year. The use of Television Infomercials, and the softening market effects of their use in building a Max business.
All in all, it was a very exciting evening, and Steve is a very captivating individual. I am certain that all the goals which he has set for Max International (although they may sound lofty), will be achieved.

If you are a Network Marketing Leader and would like to see why I am so excited, visit my contact page, I will get more information into your hands right away. I can get you flown into Max International to meet with the Founders and Corporate staff. If you have earned over $5,000 in a month over the last 3 years, I can get your airfare, room, limo service, and meals all taken care of.

Always Overdeliver

As a network marketer is it Okay to make big promises? I believe that it is, in fact I believe that, at times it is necessary to make big promises in order to keep our offer interesting enough to capture the attention of our audience.

That being said. Once you have made the big promises, you must do everything necessary to overdeliver on those promises. Remember you have created an expectation in the mind of your customer, partner, or business prospect, it now becomes your responsibility to WOW them with your service or product. By this I mean, it is not good enough to just fulfill their expectation's. We as marketers must always Overdeliver on the promises we have made.

I view this as being one of the biggest challenges in
Network Marketing today. The Internet is filled with the offers of unscrupulous marketers promising unrealistic incomes, and instant riches. While the unknowing business opportunity seeker seems all to willing to buy into their hype and big promises, only to be let down in the end by promises that were under delivered.

As a result they become skeptical and reluctant to believe anything that we as marketers have to say. Understandably so, we must first earn their trust, and build the relationship by doing everything that we say we will and more. Overdeliver!

My personal business philosophy has always been; Better to underpromise and overdeliver, than to overpromise and underdeliver! The surest way to destroy your relationships is by overpromising, and not being able to perform up to the expectations you have created.

See what Seth Godwin has to say on this topic. His Blog Post titled "Four Words" is right on topic with our discussion here.

Seth's Blog: Four words

"Mindset" A Very Important Component In Your Success

No matter whether, "You Think You Can" or "You Think You Can Not" achieve success in network marketing...You are correct!

Your Mindset plays such a key role in determining your success, that if you truly believe you can accomplish your Goals, you will always find a way. Likewise, if you believe that you can't accomplish something you will always find an excuse for your failure.

Another way of saying it is; Your Attitude Will Determine Your Altitude!

I was talking with a friend just the other day (we will call her Rhonda). Rhonda's background is in journalism, she was an on air news reporter with a TV station in a major metropolitan area.

Now a stay at home Mom, Rhonda was looking for something to do, and joined her first network marketing company just a little over a year ago now. In less than nine months she had joined two different companies, and earned little to no income with either.

In the conversation we were having, I had shared with Rhonda the benefits of what I believe to be the Hottest Opportunity in Network Marketing in the past several years. Her comment to me was, "that sounds really good but, Gee! I just don't think that I am cut out for Network Marketing."

Was Rhonda correct? Absolutely...Yes!

Why? Her "Mindset" and Belief System! If she does not believe that she can be successful, it does not matter how good the opportunity is, she simply will not succeed with it. No matter whether she believed she can, or she believes she can not. She is correct!

Work on your own Mindset. Build your own Belief System. Maintain and protect your Attitude, because no matter whether you think you can, or think you can not be successful in Network Marketing. You are absolutely Right!