Learn From The Mistakes Other Have Made

Several years ago I went through a period where I became very frustrated with the Network Marketing Industry in general. The whole industry just seemed to me to be upside down, and as a result I made the decision to leave the business.

At that time, I even made the statement that I would never do it again! I was so serious about that statement, that I threw away all my name lists, contact records, genealogy report's, and deleted my contact management program from my computer.

Big Mistake! I was out of the Industry for a period of less than two years, when an opportunity came along that really got me fired up. I spent days digging through boxes, drawers, and closets looking for my old lists, and contacts, all to no avail. They were simply no where to be found, my wife finally reminded me what I had done with them.

I had spent years building those relationships, and in one moment of utter frustration, I had thrown them all away. Obviously, some of them I had maintained at least some sort of minimal contact with, but literally 100's if not 1000's of names were gone.

Today, I can't believe that I could have been so stupid. The only real value that we as Marketers have to the Network Marketing Industry is our Contacts and Relationships.

You can learn from my mistake. Never, Never get rid of you contact database, or lead list. You never know when Something To Good To Be True might come along stare you in the eyes!

Secret's To Success In MLM, Network Marketing

Napoleon Hill invested 25 years of research in collaboration with the more than 500 distinguished people of great wealth. His powerful success philosophy as strong and insightful today as when it was first published in 1937 – Evolved from interviews with Henry Ford, George Eastman, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilbur Wright, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller and Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, to name a few.

The principles that Hill uncovered were all necessary to achieve great success. And like that of a recipe, all the ingredients need to be present to achieve the desired result with your Network Marketing Business.

Have you ever asked yourself what it is about some people that makes them so successful? What do they know that I don’t know? What is their recipe for success that has enabled them to rise above the crowd?

We all have natural talents, abilities, and other mental resources. We all know you must go the extra mile to get what we want. Some argue that top athletes or entrepreneurs have exceptional gifts. Perhaps some do, but most winners are people with ordinary talents who know how to apply them in extraordinary ways.

The successes of this world have simply incorporated the following key principals: Belief, Commitment, Contribution, Duplication, Goals, Knowledge, Leadership, Partnership, Personal Growth, Taking Action. If you ask a million dollar earner for just one key to true success, they normally will pick one of these principles.

The key to our success is our total belief and passion for the business we have chosen. If you have that, people can’t help but see that you really know what you’re talking about. Just seeing your confidence and excitement will interest them. The strength of your conviction will draw people to you. Remember, you will achieve only what you believe – no less, no more.

Commitment is our pledge to do whatever it takes to get the job done – no matter what! Commitment is the opposite of convenience. This business is 80 percent “why” and 20 percent “how”. If you can find out a strong enough “why” with a person they become self motivated. They can do the business for themselves and they’ll have a reason to find out “how”.

Contribution is the reason some people get into Network Marketing. And it is why many, many more stick around. The key to success is not what you want. It’s helping people get what they want. You have a responsibility to people to respect and nurture their dreams and goals in this business… Putting the other person first before yourself.

In Network Marketing, it is impossible to succeed all by yourself… Duplication is required for your success. Duplication is making an identical copy of an original. Reproduce and repeat over and over again down the line. In our business, mastery comes from duplication – sticking with a system and applying the fundamentals until you see the results you want.

Goals provide direction for your efforts and a measuring stick for our progress. With clear and compelling goals, you have something to strive for and a focus for your actions. You can never learn too much! You’ve probably heard it said ‘knowledge is power’, but is it really? How powerful is having knowledge of something and doing nothing with it. It’s very important to keep learning about our business, because this is a profession that continues to evolve.

It’s obvious that a leader is one who leads – but how? Leadership is front-wheel drive. To lead means to show the way by going ahead of someone else - - pulling instead of pushing. Leaders guide, direct and support their teams. Leaders understand their attention is not on themselves. It’s on the people in their organizations. A leader has integrity and a leader is congruent. Focus on developing leaders, because you never know who could become your next leader.

We say, “you’re in business for yourself, but not by yourself”, because it’s impossible to succeed all alone in our business - - which is perhaps the most relationship dependent business on the planet. And at its highest level, relationship evolves into Partnership like the union you find in a fine marriage. Birds of a feather flock together because they are going in the same direction. That is the essence of partnership between the upline and the downline, the company and the field, there must be pro-active, equal partnerships for your business to succeed. Your partners are your allies. Colleagues are champions. They are associates and, at best, your friends.

The majority of top distributors agree that one thing is responsible for their achievements, Personal Growth and Development. In this person-to-person business, nothing is more fundamental than personal growth. Your business will only grow as much as you do. So your commitment to continuously engage in self-improvement for yourself and your people – is the cornerstone of all your future success. In order to grow yourself, you first have to know yourself. That’s where you start. Where does it end? It doesn’t. Personal growth is a life long learning process – one you practice every single day. Your success in Network Marketing will be a correlate function of the degree to which you’re willing to spend time on personal development.

Consistent, persistent activity is the key… Activity leads to productivity. We call it “little victories everyday”. Plan your work but more importantly, work your plan. Your DMO – Daily Method of Operation should include sharing the products and opportunity everyday… Taking Action is required to get anything accomplished. Your business opportunity is what you make it. Taking specific actions everyday and sticking to it no matter what is paramount to your success.

Everything begins with a powerful Vision. Vision is a mental picture of all the achievements you aspire to. If you get good at articulating your vision, out of that flows your enthusiasm and excitement. Understand that your success depends on your ability to clearly express yourself – by helping people learn to share the “Big Picture”, the future or vision for Max.

Good luck as you continue a record April!

Rick & Michelle Teague

Rick Teague is a million dollar earner, and 24 year veteran of Network Marketing, MLM, Multi-Level, Direct Sales. Rick is a double degreed attorney and leads the fastest growing team in Max International.

What Is All The Buzz About Max International

Max International is a Network Marketing Company located in Salt Lake City, UT. They just passed through their 14th month of doing business.

I am told that Max completed their 1st Million Dollar Sales month in November 2007, and that each month since sales have increased, totaling $20 Million their first year. Particularly interesting since November & December are typically the slowest month's of the year in MLM Sales. Equally Impressive is the fact that some of the most successful companies to launch in recent years only did $5 to $10 Million in their first year of business.

Max International's owner's have stellar track records, reputations, and financial resources. Steven K Scott and Guthy-Rinker, are the two Biggest Names in TV Infomercials, as well Greg Fullerton who was a founder of Franklin Covey.

You are sure to be familiar with some of Steven K Scott's Infomercials on TV, "The Total Fitness Gym" featuring Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, or "Deal A Meal" staring Richard Simmons. Steve is also a 3 time best selling author, his most recent book being "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived...King Solomon's Secrets To Success, Wealth, And Happiness".

Guthy-Renker is responsible for the Pro-Activ Skin Care Line featuring Jessica Simpson and their company generates $1.5 Billion annual sales. It is almost impossible to turn on a television set today without seeing a Guthy-Renker Infomercial.

Max International's first product MaxGXL is one of very few non-pharmaceuticals to have been granted a composition patent. Their science in developing this product is clinically proven and backed by double blind, placebo controlled trials.

Max International has developed a state-of-the-art Compensation Plan. They included key components for Immediate, Residual, and Wealth Building Income, with No generational breakaways.

The company's plan is to utilize the experience, and knowledge of Steven Scott and Guthey-Renker to start producing and broadcasting TV Infomercial with a well known and trusted star promoting the Max Opportunity and Products perhaps as early as 4th quarter 2008 or 1st quarter 2009.

The softening effect that this type of Television Ad Campaign will have in the marketplace should be enough to excite any marketer. It also, will lend a lot of credibility to the Distributors of Max International, in addition to the product sales and leads which will be generated

This is going to be an interesting company to watch, and very possibly may be the next Network Marketing Company to achieve Legendary Status.

The 4 Corner Stones To Success In Network Marketing (and Life)!

Network Marketing is an extremely powerful business model for anyone who;Has a burning desire to be be their own Boss, Dreams of owning their own Business, Is committed to taking control of their Financial Future!

A Network Marketing Business requires a very small financial investment compared to other new business start up's. Generally speaking anywhere from $300 to $700 to get started, sometimes a little more or even a little less, depending on the company you choose. A monthly marketing budget of $100 to $300 will put you in good shape. Your marketing Budget is needed to cover things such as, product samples, literature, advertising. phone, training, etc.

I Know...I Know...We have all read all of those ad's on the the Internet, Promising if we buy their eBook and sign up in their New Business System, they will build it for us. We do basically nothing and, we will Earn $10,000 monthly right out of the gate for doing little or nothing. If it was that simple don't you think that everyone would be doing it, and if so what kind of opportunity would exist for us?

To insure your Success in Network Marketing you must Master The Basics, I refer to them as The 4 Corner Stones To Success!


Have an achievable vision. Know where you are starting from. Have your ending point 2 to 5 years from now firmly in mind. In the middle know how you are going to get there. Have a Plan!


Plan time for building your Business. If the only time you put into building your business is your throw away time. Your Business will never amount to much!


In order to succeed in any business, it takes effort. Consistent Action Over Time! If you want to be earning 6 figures in 2-3 years, you will have to put in the consistent effort to reach that Goal.


Self discipline to keep you going through the challenges which come up. The Discipline to develop the character of a Leader.

In order for your business to succeed you will need all four of these Corner Stones firmly in place. Without any one of them it will eventually fail.