Several years ago I went through a period where I became very frustrated with the Network Marketing Industry in general. The whole industry just seemed to me to be upside down, and as a result I made the decision to leave the business.
At that time, I even made the statement that I would never do it again! I was so serious about that statement, that I threw away all my name lists, contact records, genealogy report's, and deleted my contact management program from my computer.
Big Mistake! I was out of the Industry for a period of less than two years, when an opportunity came along that really got me fired up. I spent days digging through boxes, drawers, and closets looking for my old lists, and contacts, all to no avail. They were simply no where to be found, my wife finally reminded me what I had done with them.
I had spent years building those relationships, and in one moment of utter frustration, I had thrown them all away. Obviously, some of them I had maintained at least some sort of minimal contact with, but literally 100's if not 1000's of names were gone.
Today, I can't believe that I could have been so stupid. The only real value that we as Marketers have to the Network Marketing Industry is our Contacts and Relationships.
You can learn from my mistake. Never, Never get rid of you contact database, or lead list. You never know when Something To Good To Be True might come along stare you in the eyes!
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