What Is All The Buzz About Max International

Max International is a Network Marketing Company located in Salt Lake City, UT. They just passed through their 14th month of doing business.

I am told that Max completed their 1st Million Dollar Sales month in November 2007, and that each month since sales have increased, totaling $20 Million their first year. Particularly interesting since November & December are typically the slowest month's of the year in MLM Sales. Equally Impressive is the fact that some of the most successful companies to launch in recent years only did $5 to $10 Million in their first year of business.

Max International's owner's have stellar track records, reputations, and financial resources. Steven K Scott and Guthy-Rinker, are the two Biggest Names in TV Infomercials, as well Greg Fullerton who was a founder of Franklin Covey.

You are sure to be familiar with some of Steven K Scott's Infomercials on TV, "The Total Fitness Gym" featuring Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, or "Deal A Meal" staring Richard Simmons. Steve is also a 3 time best selling author, his most recent book being "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived...King Solomon's Secrets To Success, Wealth, And Happiness".

Guthy-Renker is responsible for the Pro-Activ Skin Care Line featuring Jessica Simpson and their company generates $1.5 Billion annual sales. It is almost impossible to turn on a television set today without seeing a Guthy-Renker Infomercial.

Max International's first product MaxGXL is one of very few non-pharmaceuticals to have been granted a composition patent. Their science in developing this product is clinically proven and backed by double blind, placebo controlled trials.

Max International has developed a state-of-the-art Compensation Plan. They included key components for Immediate, Residual, and Wealth Building Income, with No generational breakaways.

The company's plan is to utilize the experience, and knowledge of Steven Scott and Guthey-Renker to start producing and broadcasting TV Infomercial with a well known and trusted star promoting the Max Opportunity and Products perhaps as early as 4th quarter 2008 or 1st quarter 2009.

The softening effect that this type of Television Ad Campaign will have in the marketplace should be enough to excite any marketer. It also, will lend a lot of credibility to the Distributors of Max International, in addition to the product sales and leads which will be generated

This is going to be an interesting company to watch, and very possibly may be the next Network Marketing Company to achieve Legendary Status.