Considering A Home Business, Direct Sales, Network Marketing, Multi-Level Business?

Chances are pretty good...That is you have found your way to this website, one or more of the following statements apply to you.

  • Dissatisfied with your current job?
  • Tired of answering to a Boss?
  • No longer willing to just get by, paycheck to paycheck?
  • Needing to Supplement your current Household Income by an extra few $100 a month?
  • Just been downsized by your current Employer?
  • Nearing Retirement, and realized that Social Security isn't going to be enough?
  • Credit Card Debt...getting you down and looking for a way to pay them off?
  • Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired?

If you find that one or more of the above describes You, starting your own Home Based Network Marketing Business has proven to be a Affordable & Practical Solution for myself and many other's just like you.

There are several catch phrases used today to refer to our Industry. Direct Sales, Multilevel Marketing, MLM, Personal Referral Marketing, Home Base Marketing, etc. All of these basically mean the same thing, Network Marketing!

My purpose here is to provide information to guide you in not only making an informed decision, but to assist in avoiding the many Scams which exist today on the Internet. With that in mind, following is a brief synopsis's of what to consider in making your decision.

Get Passionate

The First Step is to Identify what kind of Product or Service you can really get Passionate about. Just about anything you can imagine, is marketed through Direct Sales these day's. So, find a Product you can wrap your heart around, and Get Passionate About It. Become a user of the Product yourself and get Passionate!

Companies Reputation

The next step is to make sure the Company, your looking at is Reputable. Have they been in business for at least a year or more? Who are the Companies Founders, and what is their experience level?

Look For A Unique Product

The next thing that I suggest looking at is the companies Product's. Is their Product Unique, or just another me too type of product? Are the companies products Patented? What is the Companies plans as far as Future New Product Introductions.

A Very Important Factor

In Evaluating Any Business Opportunity, of course is the Compensation Plan! The first thing that You would want to know is...Are you paid only on your own sales, or can you leverage your earning potential from the sales of others. It is important to have a general understanding of how the Comp Plan works, and when Commissions are paid.

Tools and Support

Is there a built in Support System for new people just getting started to plug into? Most Reputable Network Marketing Companies provide things such as a Personalized Website, Back Office Tracking, Training, Conference Calls, and professionally designed Marketing Materials.

Upline or Line of Sponsorship

This important aspect is one which is very often over looked, and can be vital to your Ultimate Success or Failure. Is your sponsor Experienced, Knowledgeable and Willing to share information? Will they be available to help build your business when needed?

If It Looks To Good To Be True

It Probably Is! However armed with the above information you are on the right track to identifying and joining the right company for You!

Is The "Marketing" Missing In Network Marketing?

Think about this for a moment. A new person makes the decision to join a Network Marketing, or Direct Sales Business.

At this point they are at their most excited point about starting their new business. They look to their Sponsor or Upline for instruction.

"Okay, I'm in! Now what's next"?

In response, they are instructed to make a list of at least 100 of their closest friends and family, prioritize the list and start with the most successful, then begin contacting them.

Oh! When you contact them be brief...don't say too much, and try not to answer any questions. Just get them to agree to LOOK! Then get them on the phone for a 3-way call with Upline, your upline will lend the credibility you are lacking.

Bottom line! Most simply will not do this. Why? Because it is too far outside their comfort zone, and they simply do not wish to subject their Friends and Family to what they perceive is a high pressure situation. Although, in reality if conducted properly; the infamous 3-way call is not high pressure at all. In fact it is truly is the most effective way I personally have found to build the business.

But perception becomes reality, and as a result, many quit before they ever have a chance to get started.

Is there a better way? Network Marketing is a Business and it must be treated as a Business in order to achieve the success we desire. We must show every new person who joins us the "Marketing Techniques" and "Marketing Strategies" which will assist them in identifying their Target Market.

We must do all that we can to guide them to the information which they need to build their Marketing Skills, and increase their odds of Success.

MarketingPower Tips Newsletter, a weekly email newsletter is an excellent source of free advice, tips and inspiration for your network marketing business!

Don't delay...Subscribe Today, start receiving your FREE copy of;

Employ Yourself

One of the largest obstacles standing between the Success or Failure of a Network Marketing Distributor is their ability to Employ Themselves or Become Their Own Boss.

It is amazing, yet true, that some people will do unbelievable things on their job for a Boss who, most times, they don't even like. In return for the ability to live paycheck to paycheck.

Yet when it comes to their own Business and the potential to completely Change Their Future and Earn A Possible Fortune, they either do or do not do things which would get them fired on their job.

Everyday we continually make simple decisions, "to do" or "not to do" things with no immediate consequence either way. The right actions do not result in immediate success, and the wrong actions do result in immediate failure.

However, the effect of each will compound over time and eventually determine our ultimate success or failure. Jim Rohn calls this "the subtlety of success and failure".

Another important factor in learning to employ yourself is developing a "No Matter What Attitude". In other words, do not allow the Boss to accept the excuses the Employee tries to present.

Life happens to all of us, and although some excuses or distractions are more serious than others, all excuses are equal if they get in the way of achieving your Goals.

Opportunity does not wait for the perfect time to knock, and is never built on convenience, but it does reward those who are resolved to succeed "no matter what!"

Just because there is no one watching over your shoulder to make sure you are taking the correct action, don't be fooled into thinking it doesn't matter.

Everything matters! Learn to employ yourself by consistently and persistently applying these principles and watch your business soar!

One Of The Most Appealing Aspects of Network Marketing

One of the most appealing aspects of Network Marketing in my view is the terrific Motivational Material which an individual is exposed to. I know of no other Industry where so much emphasis is placed on the importance of feeding your Mind and Spirit with positive, motivational thoughts.

Over the years I have had the opportunity to meet, and work with many of the Top Speaker in the Field of Motivation and Sales Training. People like Jim Rohn, Brian Tracey, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Tom Hopkins, to name a few. One of my favorite's is Denis Waitley.

A friend recently sent me an Article written by Denis. As I read the article, I was so struck by the power of a single idea, that I decided to post the Article to my Blog so that you too might enjoy it.

"The Thread Of A Dream"
An Article by Denis Waitley

When I was researching the history of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge as a major illustration for the ideas of success and motivation, I became engrossed with the story of how the first bridge was built over Niagara Falls. You see, to build a bridge over a giant gorge, first you have to get a line over the canyon, from one side to the other. Easier said than done at Niagara Falls.

The engineers couldn't cross the falls in a boat to take the line from one side to the other because the boat would go over the falls. And the airplane hadn't been invented yet. The distance was also way beyond the bow-and-arrow range, which had been a common method at the time of getting the first line across to build a bridge.

The designing engineer, Charles Ellet, pondered the question until he came up with a revolutionary idea. He decided that, while solving the problem, he would also have some fun and generate some publicity for the project. Ellet sponsored a kite flying contest and offered five dollars to the first person who could fly a kite across the gorge and let it go low enough to the ground for someone to be able to grab the string. In 1849, five dollars was a prize similar to a small lottery today. The boy who won the price relished his accomplishment until his death, nearly 80 years later.

It all began with an idea and one thin kite string. The kite string was used to pull a cord across, then a line, then a rope. Next came an iron-wire cable and then steel cables, until a structure strong enough to build a suspension bridge was in place.

I'm struck by how that string is like a single thought. The more vivid and clear the thought, and the more you come back to it, the stronger it becomes - like the string to the rope to a cable. Each time you rethink it, dwell on it, or layer it with other thoughts, you are strengthening the structure on which to build your idea, like building a bridge over Niagara Falls.

But unlike a kite, there is no string attached to how high and how far your goals may take you. They are limited only by the power of your imagination and the strength of your desire.

Denis Waitley
Motivational Speaker

A Product Which I Use and Recommend

Have you ever felt that you were just running out of gas about mid-afternoon? You know...that feeling that just comes over you, where you feel all of your energy has been drained, and you want a short power nap!

Have you experienced the glare of lights in your night vision? Those little star bursts that appear around the lights of an approaching vehicle when driving at night.

Do you ever feel that your mental focus and clarity is not what it should be? That feeling of frustration due to lack of concentration.

These are all things which I was experiencing in my own life less than 4 months ago. I had resolved myself to the fact that this was all just part of the natural process of aging and that I was going to have to get used to it. Much to my surprise I found that this was not the case...that in fact these little malady's could be changed.

A friend sent me a sample of a new product to try, it is called MaxGXL. He sent enough for one person to take a twice daily dose for 5 weeks, or two people 2 1/2 weeks each. All he asked was that I take it as directed and report back to him my experience. Both my wife and myself decided that we had nothing to lose, and we would take it.

I was very surprised when within a very short period of time after taking my first pack (3 capsules in a cellophane package) I felt re-energized. This was not a feeling like a caffeine high or what I have felt after drinking a Red Bull (or similar energy drink)...not at all, it was just a real feeling of well being and energy.

I called Rick that evening to report my experience and ask a little more about what this stuff is and what it does. He told me that the name MaxGXL is an acronym for Maximum Glutathione Accelerator. I had never heard of glutathione and did not know what it was. He explained briefly that it is a substance produced naturally in the body and it is required by every cell in the body in order to function properly.

Vickie and I continued to take MaxGXL which Rick had sent to us, and by the two week point we realized that we were going to be out in less than a week. Vickie insisted that I call him and get some more on the way, as she did not want to run out!

We have now been taking Max for just under 16 weeks and we have both seen vast improvement in our overall health and well being.

Following are some of the benefits we have received:

Increased longer feel the need to catch a quick power nap in the afternoon.

Improved Visual Clarity...My Eye Doc had informed me last April that I was beginning to form cataracts, I am anxious to see what he says about them on my annual check up next month.

Vastly Improved Mental Focus...Fewer Senior Moments

Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome...for Vickie, has completely vanished. She was extremely uncomfortable because of this condition.

Improved Sleep...Both of us sleeping all night and remembering our dreams, rather that waking several times a night. Awake feeling rested and refreshed.

Improved Breathing...Much less wheezing and coughing.

Fewer Aches and Pains...Generally just Feeling Better, a Real Sense of Well Being.

“This product, in my opinion, represents the single most important breakthrough in health that we will witness in my life time, and this product will revolutionize, change and transform the practice of medicine world wide and make Dr Robert Keller more famous than Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine.” John Nelson MD, Immediate Past (159th) President American Medical Association, speaking about MaxGXL

This is an Incredible Product and I will continue to take it the rest of my Life. I recommend it to everyone who cares about slowing the process of aging, or maintaining and improving their own health.

If you would like to see for yourself how you may benefit from increased Glutathione Levels. Here is the place to get a sample of MaxGXL.

What Is Network Marketing?

Have you ever wished that there was a way of taking control of your Financial Future, and thought about Network Marketing as a possible solution, but avoided it because you didn't understand what it is?

So, What Is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is a business model for the distribution of products and/or services. People Grouping together to reach other people, thereby bypassing the traditional distribution method, of advertising, warehousing, jobbers, and wholesalers.

The people who join a Network Marketing Company are referred to as Independent Distributor, Associates, Affiliates, Consultants, etc., because they do not have a direct relationship with Company as employees. They become Independent Business Owner, each building their own business.

The most unique feature of The Network Marketing Business Model is that it offers a Recruitment Process. This process allows the Independent Affiliate to build an organization of other Independent Affiliates to market the Companies Products and Services. Allowing Affiliates to be compensated on the efforts of their organization, rather than just their own sales. This creates true leverage of ones time.

The biggest advantage of owning a Network Marketing Business vs Traditional Business is the Investment Level required to start your Business. To get started in a Network Marketing Business generally requires as little as $50 for the Distributor Starter Kit, plus from $300 to $700 to get your Product Inventory and Marketing Materials. Compare this to the investment of 10's of $1000's to start a Franchise business.

The Small or Home Based Business Owner has much less liability with a Network Marketing Business. The Company takes care of all of the Research and Development of new Products. They provide all of the Billing and Products shipment. They take care of sending out the weekly and monthly Commission Checks. They produce Product Brochures and Marketing Materials. They Provide website Development, and Internet Presence, Training and Support.

Network Marketing is an All Volunteer Organization. Therefore it is all about the Relationship's. Network Marketing is a Relationship Business...whether those relationships are existing or from prospecting, Success comes to those who help other to Succeed! In Network Marketing the structure is; One of People pulling each other up, not pushing each other down.

By it's very nature Network Marketing is designed to be a Part Time Endeavor. It generally does not provide Full Time Income right out of the gate. Yes, I know we have all heard the stories, and many are true. However there is generally another story behind the story! Just remember, if it sounds too good to be generally is. I believe that Network Marketing can provide a Part Time Income of $1000 - $2000 per month. You must treat it like a Business, and commit 8-15 hours per week to Building your Business.

Think of it as a progression, starting from where you are today and working your way to where you want to be in 2 to 5 years. Network Marketing provides a vehicle that can get you there.

If you would like more information on starting your own business...How you can call your own shots...control your own earnings and determine your own future? Request your FREE copy of MyOrangeCD now!

What Interested Me About Network Marketing

In my 1st post, "What made network marketing so appealing to me", you probably got the idea that the money was the thing that got me involved in Network Marketing! But that was not really the case! The Most Appealing Thing About Network Marketing for me as it turned out was really something entirely different.

Initially the potential to make money in Network Marketing, was probably the carrot that got me to take a serious look. However, once I took a closer look and investigated the industry, I found a number of things which were of far greater interest to me.

The opportunity to work with excited motivated individuals. People who really have a burning desire to do more and achieve more than just spend the rest of their lives in an 8 hour a day job.

The ability to work with people of my own choosing. In other words, if I didn't particularly enjoy being around someone...I don't invite to into my business network.

The ability to work from my home, and Control My Own Destiny. When I awake in the morning, I have my coffee, and when I'm ready to go to work...I walk a few feet down the hall to my Home Office.

I can work in my shorts and tennis shoes. No one on the other end of the phone knows but what I'm setting in a fancy suite of offices somewhere.

If I want to take time off to do something with my family, or go take the dog for a walk, there is no one who tells me I can't.

The opportunity to Develop and Learn Personally. Network Marketing as a whole is all about Personal Growth and Personal Development. I have witnessed changes in people in this business, that before NWM, I would have never believed to be possible.

In a single word, "What Interested Me The Most About Network Marketing?"


  • The Personal Independence to work with like minded people...
  • The Personal Independence to work where and when I choose, with no Boss or employees...
  • The personal Independence to leverage myself with a business of duplication...
  • The Personal Independence to create an Residual Income.

You see it is not about the money, it's about the Independence that the money gives to me and my family. The ability to control my own destiny!

If you are looking for the Personal Independence to control your own destiny "THE TRUTH ABOUT NETWORK MARKETING" is a must hear audio...a $60 value, is yours FREE

Mission Statement

  • To help people achieve all that they can, and empower them to turn their dreams into reality.


  • I genuinely care about people, and strive to build a business that makes a difference in the lives of others.
  • I believe that people can improve the course of their lives by living by the truth; therefore I will search for, live by, and teach correct principles.
  • I believe in the principle of Free Enterprise, and that people should be compensated well for their efforts.
  • I believe in the principle of Win-Win, and that business relationships should be mutually beneficial to all of the parties involved.
  • I believe in honesty and telling the truth.
  • I believe in having fun and living life to it's fullest.

One of my Favorite Quotes;
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." Jackie Robinson, Major League Baseball Player

Make A Commitment

In the early days of my Network Marketing career, I was frequently asked; How is it that I made it in Network Marketing for such an extended time period, when so many others were quitting or failing?

The answer to that question was then, and still is easy! "I made a commitment to myself". You see the day that I joined that very first company, I committed to myself that I would be there ONE YEAR later. That no matter what obstacles were thrown in my path, no matter who else quit, no matter what I had to learn...I would be there 12 months from that date!

Were there times that I felt like quitting? You bet there were. My sponsor John quit. I went upline and found someone who would work with me. My team quit...I started over. I was confronted with other obstacles. I moved around them! Quitting was not an option for me, I had made a promise to myself. Persistence is the Key!

The act of making that commitment, or goal if you will, had allowed me the time to get through some of the learning curve I faced. It also caused me to develop some new skills which I had not possessed before. It allowed me to build confidence in my abilities as a NETWORK MARKETER. Without that seemingly small commitment, I surely would have failed.

If I could share only thing with a person who is just getting started or considering direct sales, or Network Marketing it would be this; Set a ONE YEAR Goal to still be there, make income a part of the Goal. Figure out how much you want to earn from your new business in that first year. Break the income down into Benchmarks of first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months. And, finally back it up with commitment and action. Persistent and consistent ACTION!

Commitment is doing the thing you said you’d do long after the mood you said it in has passed! (p.52 of Robert Kiyosaki’s The Business School)

Whether you are just exploring the possibilities of starting in Network Marketing, or are already building a Direct Sales Business and not accomplishing all that you feel you could be, you owe it to yourself to check out the Learn and Earn University

About Me

Hi Ted here, I live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with my beautiful partner in life and wife of 25 years Vickie, and our schnauzer Abbey. I have 3 children, and 4 grand children.

My business career began in the Building Materials Distribution business, where a partner and myself built a very successful business. I served as the Vice President and General Manager of that company.

After 22 years in that business, I just burned out (perhaps you might relate). I left the company I had built, sold my home, and the plan was to move to mountains of Colorado. I wanted to take some time and decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

We were in the final stages of making the move to CO, when I was contacted by a very close business associate asking me to meet for coffee. Little did I know at the time that he would be presenting me with a Network Marketing Opportunity. Out of respect for my friend I listened. Much to my surprise I loved the whole concept...It made perfect sense to me!

So long story short, in 1993 I began a new career in Network Marketing.

What Made Network Marketing So Appealing To Me?

I've been asked this question more times than I care to remember over the past 15 years. As a matter of fact it was in March 1993 that my friend John from Tulsa called and asked me to meet him for coffee. As I mentioned in the "about me" the last thing which I would have expected was that he planned on showing me a Network Marketing Company.

John was well aware that I had just left a 22 year business career, and a very nice 6 figure income. Also, that I had no immediate plans for future employment, and that I was going to have some spare time on my hands for a while. So why not take a shot at me, right?

What I saw in his presentation was a product that I recognized had some real sizzle to it. It was not available through traditional retail stores. I knew immediately that it was very demonstrable, and that if people saw this product they would want it.

My biggest question...Can we make a decent profit from marketing it? Now this is where he really knocked my socks off! John showed that not only could we make a nice wholesale to retail profit, that we could also leverage our efforts by building a team of marketers to works with us.

I realized that from this team building concept the income could become very significant, and over time would become a truly passive income stream. I liked what I saw enough that on my drive back home I made a stop at the local library and checked out a few books on Network Marketing, and the Multi-Level Industry. This was just the beginning of my love affair with network marketing.

If you’re considering starting your own home-based business, or if you are already building a Direct Sales or MLM Business this informative audio, "The Truth About Network Marketing" is a must hear. A $60 value and it's your's Free!