Sunday, March 30, 2008
4:36 PM
Posted by
Ted McMahan
Chances are pretty good...That is you have found your way to this website, one or more of the following statements apply to you.
- Dissatisfied with your current job?
- Tired of answering to a Boss?
- No longer willing to just get by, paycheck to paycheck?
- Needing to Supplement your current Household Income by an extra few $100 a month?
- Just been downsized by your current Employer?
- Nearing Retirement, and realized that Social Security isn't going to be enough?
- Credit Card Debt...getting you down and looking for a way to pay them off?
- Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired?
If you find that one or more of the above describes You, starting your own Home Based Network Marketing Business has proven to be a Affordable & Practical Solution for myself and many other's just like you.
There are several catch phrases used today to refer to our Industry. Direct Sales, Multilevel Marketing, MLM, Personal Referral Marketing, Home Base Marketing, etc. All of these basically mean the same thing, Network Marketing!
My purpose here is to provide information to guide you in not only making an informed decision, but to assist in avoiding the many Scams which exist today on the Internet. With that in mind, following is a brief synopsis's of what to consider in making your decision.
Get Passionate
The First Step is to Identify what kind of Product or Service you can really get Passionate about. Just about anything you can imagine, is marketed through Direct Sales these day's. So, find a Product you can wrap your heart around, and Get Passionate About It. Become a user of the Product yourself and get Passionate!
Companies Reputation
The next step is to make sure the Company, your looking at is Reputable. Have they been in business for at least a year or more? Who are the Companies Founders, and what is their experience level?
Look For A Unique Product
The next thing that I suggest looking at is the companies Product's. Is their Product Unique, or just another me too type of product? Are the companies products Patented? What is the Companies plans as far as Future New Product Introductions.
A Very Important Factor
In Evaluating Any Business Opportunity, of course is the Compensation Plan! The first thing that You would want to know is...Are you paid only on your own sales, or can you leverage your earning potential from the sales of others. It is important to have a general understanding of how the Comp Plan works, and when Commissions are paid.
Tools and Support
Is there a built in Support System for new people just getting started to plug into? Most Reputable Network Marketing Companies provide things such as a Personalized Website, Back Office Tracking, Training, Conference Calls, and professionally designed Marketing Materials.
Upline or Line of Sponsorship
This important aspect is one which is very often over looked, and can be vital to your Ultimate Success or Failure. Is your sponsor Experienced, Knowledgeable and Willing to share information? Will they be available to help build your business when needed?
If It Looks To Good To Be True
It Probably Is! However armed with the above information you are on the right track to identifying and joining the right company for You!
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