Is The "Marketing" Missing In Network Marketing?

Think about this for a moment. A new person makes the decision to join a Network Marketing, or Direct Sales Business.

At this point they are at their most excited point about starting their new business. They look to their Sponsor or Upline for instruction.

"Okay, I'm in! Now what's next"?

In response, they are instructed to make a list of at least 100 of their closest friends and family, prioritize the list and start with the most successful, then begin contacting them.

Oh! When you contact them be brief...don't say too much, and try not to answer any questions. Just get them to agree to LOOK! Then get them on the phone for a 3-way call with Upline, your upline will lend the credibility you are lacking.

Bottom line! Most simply will not do this. Why? Because it is too far outside their comfort zone, and they simply do not wish to subject their Friends and Family to what they perceive is a high pressure situation. Although, in reality if conducted properly; the infamous 3-way call is not high pressure at all. In fact it is truly is the most effective way I personally have found to build the business.

But perception becomes reality, and as a result, many quit before they ever have a chance to get started.

Is there a better way? Network Marketing is a Business and it must be treated as a Business in order to achieve the success we desire. We must show every new person who joins us the "Marketing Techniques" and "Marketing Strategies" which will assist them in identifying their Target Market.

We must do all that we can to guide them to the information which they need to build their Marketing Skills, and increase their odds of Success.

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