Have you ever wished that there was a way of taking control of your Financial Future, and thought about Network Marketing as a possible solution, but avoided it because you didn't understand what it is?
So, What Is Network Marketing?
Network Marketing is a business model for the distribution of products and/or services. People Grouping together to reach other people, thereby bypassing the traditional distribution method, of advertising, warehousing, jobbers, and wholesalers.
The people who join a Network Marketing Company are referred to as Independent Distributor, Associates, Affiliates, Consultants, etc., because they do not have a direct relationship with Company as employees. They become Independent Business Owner, each building their own business.
The most unique feature of The Network Marketing Business Model is that it offers a Recruitment Process. This process allows the Independent Affiliate to build an organization of other Independent Affiliates to market the Companies Products and Services. Allowing Affiliates to be compensated on the efforts of their organization, rather than just their own sales. This creates true leverage of ones time.
The biggest advantage of owning a Network Marketing Business vs Traditional Business is the Investment Level required to start your Business. To get started in a Network Marketing Business generally requires as little as $50 for the Distributor Starter Kit, plus from $300 to $700 to get your Product Inventory and Marketing Materials. Compare this to the investment of 10's of $1000's to start a Franchise business.
The Small or Home Based Business Owner has much less liability with a Network Marketing Business. The Company takes care of all of the Research and Development of new Products. They provide all of the Billing and Products shipment. They take care of sending out the weekly and monthly Commission Checks. They produce Product Brochures and Marketing Materials. They Provide website Development, and Internet Presence, Training and Support.
Network Marketing is an All Volunteer Organization. Therefore it is all about the Relationship's. Network Marketing is a Relationship Business...whether those relationships are existing or from prospecting, Success comes to those who help other to Succeed! In Network Marketing the structure is; One of People pulling each other up, not pushing each other down.
By it's very nature Network Marketing is designed to be a Part Time Endeavor. It generally does not provide Full Time Income right out of the gate. Yes, I know we have all heard the stories, and many are true. However there is generally another story behind the story! Just remember, if it sounds too good to be true...it generally is. I believe that Network Marketing can provide a Part Time Income of $1000 - $2000 per month. You must treat it like a Business, and commit 8-15 hours per week to Building your Business.
Think of it as a progression, starting from where you are today and working your way to where you want to be in 2 to 5 years. Network Marketing provides a vehicle that can get you there.
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