In my 1st post, "What made network marketing so appealing to me", you probably got the idea that the money was the thing that got me involved in Network Marketing! But that was not really the case! The Most Appealing Thing About Network Marketing for me as it turned out was really something entirely different.
Initially the potential to make money in Network Marketing, was probably the carrot that got me to take a serious look. However, once I took a closer look and investigated the industry, I found a number of things which were of far greater interest to me.
The opportunity to work with excited motivated individuals. People who really have a burning desire to do more and achieve more than just spend the rest of their lives in an 8 hour a day job.
The ability to work with people of my own choosing. In other words, if I didn't particularly enjoy being around someone...I don't invite to into my business network.
The ability to work from my home, and Control My Own Destiny. When I awake in the morning, I have my coffee, and when I'm ready to go to work...I walk a few feet down the hall to my Home Office.
I can work in my shorts and tennis shoes. No one on the other end of the phone knows but what I'm setting in a fancy suite of offices somewhere.
If I want to take time off to do something with my family, or go take the dog for a walk, there is no one who tells me I can't.
The opportunity to Develop and Learn Personally. Network Marketing as a whole is all about Personal Growth and Personal Development. I have witnessed changes in people in this business, that before NWM, I would have never believed to be possible.
In a single word, "What Interested Me The Most About Network Marketing?"Independence!
- The Personal Independence to work with like minded people...
- The Personal Independence to work where and when I choose, with no Boss or employees...
- The personal Independence to leverage myself with a business of duplication...
- The Personal Independence to create an Residual Income.
You see it is not about the money, it's about the Independence that the money gives to me and my family. The ability to control my own destiny!
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